less than 1 minute read

As I’ve covered in a previous post regarding the while loop, the do-while, often refered to as the do loop is very similar. Lets have a look at the psuedo code.

    //do stuff in here
while (boolean_expression);

So as we can see, the actual body of the loop gets executed at least once before the boolean expression is ever evaluated. Now lets have a look at a real example :

public class MonkeySniffer
    public static void main(String[] args)
            System.out.println("Inside the loop!");
        while (3 > 4);

What the above does, is to print out Inside the loop! once, then it checks the boolean expression in the while statement, if it is true then the loop will be repeated, if it is false, in this case it will be since 3 is not greater than 4, then the loop is done and the code will continue.

Thats it really, nothing too fancy here, this loop is really suited to situations where you must do something at least once, but possibly multiple times.

Anything I’ve missed please let me know!

Happy coding.