Using special characters in a linux sed command without having to escaping them
I came across a brilliant little feature of the linux sed command today that I wasn’t aware of, and thought it was well worth posting up about.
I came across a brilliant little feature of the linux sed command today that I wasn’t aware of, and thought it was well worth posting up about.
I’ve recently put together a few proof of concept applications, and since they’re “rough and ready” applications, a lot of the functionality is actually mock...
After launching my first application onto the market back in March 2011, and amassing somewhere in the region of 15,000 downloads since it’s launch, I was ea...
Adding a splash screen to your application is a quick and easy way to make it look more well rounded, complete, and more professional, it can also serve as a...
Sometimes in android you have to deal with pixels, which can often be awkward, such as view.setPadding(int, int, int, int). Obviously this is not ideal as pi...