Compound Assignment Operators
There are various compound assignment operators, however it is only necessary to know the 4 basic compound assignment operators for the exam, being as follows:
- += (Addition compound)
- -= (Subtraction compound)
- *= (Multiplication compound)
- /= (Division compound)
Essentially, they’re just a lazy way for developers to cut down on a few key strokes when typing their assignments. Consider the following examples that I’ve created to demonstrate this:
package operators;
public class AssignmentsOperator
public static void main(String[] args)
int x = 5;
// This is the "longhand" way of adding 5 to x
x = x + 5;
// You could use the compound assingment as follows, to achieve the same outcome
x += 5;
// Lets look at the other 3...
// This...
x = x - 1;
// the same as
x -= 1;
// This...
x = x * 10;
// the same as
x *= 10;
// This...
x = x / 10;
// the same as
x /= 10;
That is it! Any suggestions, please let me know!
Happy coding.