Using while loops, for when you do not know how long the piece of string is
Just another bitesize SCJP post here, looking at the while loop in Java.
Just another bitesize SCJP post here, looking at the while loop in Java.
The for loop is an extremely flexible and powerful way of iterating over a code block for a set number of times. Generally speaking, this type of loop is gre...
OK, so you have several buttons on your view, all linked into the same activity. Sounds simple enough, you probably have something that looks like the follow...
This is easily one of the most confusing concepts to a newbie, but to be honest its relatively simple. The most confusing part is that both start with the le...
One of the new features of Java 5 is the static import, its quite simple in nature. You have probably done something like the following many times before :